Saturday, August 4, 2018


Command to copy from local linux file system to S3.

aws s3 sync ${v_input_path}/ s3://${output_path}/ --include "*.gz"

Typical Prod cluster is,

1 - r4.16xlarge

12- r4.4xlarge

r4.16xlarge - 64 vCore, 488 GiB memory
r4.4xlarge - 16 vCore, 122 GiB memory

m4.4xlarge - 32 vCore, 64 GiB memory

1- m4.4xlarge Master

10 - m4.4xlarge Datanodes

IAM Roles

Using a command line tool avenue, we create IAM Roles

eg command: avenue policy create-p <ENV> --policy-name <NEWIAM POLICYNAME>

After creating the IAM role we need to attach policies which enables accesses to multiple AWS Services,

eg command: avenue policy attach ..