Monday, May 29, 2017

Regular Expressions

[abc] - Either 'a' or 'b' or'c'
[^abc] - Except 'a' or 'b' or'c'
[a-z] - Any lower case alphabets
[A-Z] - Any upper case alphabet symbol
[a-zA-Z] - Any alphabet symbol
[0-9] Any digit from 0 to 9.
[a-zA-Z0-9] - Any alphanumeric character
[^a-zA-Z0-9] Except Any alphanumeric character.(Allows only special characters)

\s - Space Character
\S - Any character Except Space
\d - Any digit from [0-9]
\D - Any character Except digit
\w - Any word character(Any alphanumeric)[a-zA-Z0-9]
\W - Except Word character(only special characters)
. - Any symbol including special characters.

a - Exactly one a
a+ - Atlest one a
a* - Any number of a's including Zero Number also
a? - Atmost one a

Eg: if the string is "abaabaaab", then

a - Exactly one a, gives

a+ - Atlest one a, gives

a* - Any number of a's including Zero Number also

a? - Atmost one a. Means either 0 time or 1 time
a, a,a,a,a,a

\s - divides "Gorrepati Leela Prasad" as 'Gorrepati' 'Leela' 'Prasad'
\. - divides "" as 'www' 'google' 'com'
[.] - divides "" as 'www' 'google' 'com'

1. Write Regular Expression to represent all 10 digit Mobile Numbers

2. 10 digit OR the number contains 11 digits then the first digit should be 0

0? - represents atmost 1 occurance of 0, means 0 is optional in the begining, if any number exists then it must be 0.

3. 10 digit OR 11 digit OR 12 digit

4. Regex for e-mail id

email is

1. emailid should start with alphanumeric character.
2. rest of the id can be alphanumeric  and . or _ are the only 2 allowed special characters.
3. @ followed by alphanumeric that represents 'tv9' and should occur once and where .and alphabatic characters and reoccur multiple times.



[a-zA-Z0-9]+ Represents atleast 1 occurance of alphanumeric 'tv9'
([.][a-zA-Z0-9])* Represents re-occurance of alphabatic characters ''

only for gmail id's then,


5. Few scenarios,

a. The allowed characters are a-z,A-Z,0-9,# and $.
b. atleast 2 characters in length.
c. 1st character should be Lower case alphabetical symbol from a to k.
d. 2nd character should be digit either (0,3,6,9)


all names with starts with a|A


all names those ends with l or L.


all names those starts with a|A and ends with l or L.


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