To skip header while loading a file in HIVE.
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/warehouse/names
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -put file:///home/cloudera/Desktop/Spark/Hive/test.csv /user/hive/warehouse/names
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hadoop fs -put file:///home/cloudera/Desktop/Spark/Hive/test.csv /user/hive/warehouse/names
Make sure that the file is in a folder and need to specify the folder name as external table location.
Hive>create external table names(RecordId string, FirstName string, LastName string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' LOCATION 'hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/hive/warehouse/names' tblproperties("skip.header.line.count" = "1");
Quotes in Data file: Consider a case where there is a data file that has data within ""
1,"pc:61254","2017-03-10 17:41:05.091","1",,"1200105"
2,"pc:61255","2017-03-10 18:41:05.091","1",,"1200106"
3,"pc:61256","2017-03-10 19:41:05.091","1",,"1200107"
4,"pc:61257","2017-03-10 20:41:05.091","1",,"1200108"
sno bigint,
id string,
dte timestamp,
status string,
val int)
'separatorChar'=",") LOCATION
Quotes in Data file: Consider a case where there is a data file that has data within ""
1,"pc:61254","2017-03-10 17:41:05.091","1",,"1200105"
2,"pc:61255","2017-03-10 18:41:05.091","1",,"1200106"
3,"pc:61256","2017-03-10 19:41:05.091","1",,"1200107"
4,"pc:61257","2017-03-10 20:41:05.091","1",,"1200108"
sno bigint,
id string,
dte timestamp,
status string,
val int)
'separatorChar'=",") LOCATION
HCatalog opens up the hive metadata to other mapreduce tools. Every mapreduce tools has its own notion about HDFS data (example Pig sees the HDFS data as set of files, Hive sees it as tables). With having table based abstraction, HCatalog supported mapreduce tools do not need to care about where the data is stored, in which format and storage location (HBase or HDFS).
We do get the facility of WebHcat to submit jobs in an RESTful way if you configure webhcat along Hcatalog.
very basic example of how ho use HCATALOG.
I have a table in hive ,TABLE NAME is STUDENT which is stored in one of the HDFS location:
neethu 90
malini 90
sunitha 98
mrinal 56
ravi 90
joshua 8
Now suppose I want to load this table to pig for further transformation of data, In this scenario I can use HCATALOG:
When using table information from the Hive metastore with Pig, add the -useHCatalog option when invoking pig:
pig -useHCatalog
(you may want to export HCAT_HOME 'HCAT_HOME=/usr/lib/hive-hcatalog/')
Now loading this table to pig:
A = LOAD 'student' USING org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
Now you have loaded the table to pig.To check the schema , just do a DESCRIBE on the relation.
There are two approaches explained below with 'Employee' table example to store pig output into hive table. (Prerequisite is that hive table should be already created)
A = LOAD 'EMPLOYEE.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS(EMP_NUM:int,EMP_NAME:chararray,EMP_PHONE:int);
Approach 1: Using Hcatalog
// dump pig result to Hive using Hcatalog
store A into 'Empdb.employee' using org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();
Approach 2: Using HDFS physical location
// dump pig result to external hive warehouse location
STORE A INTO 'hdfs://<<nmhost>>:<<port>>/user/hive/warehouse/Empdb/employee/' USING PigStorage(',')Write Custom UDF Function s in Hive
3 Types of UDF can be written
UDF - 2 Types Simple and Complex
UDTF: User defined tabular function works on one row as input and returns multiple rows as output. So here the relation in one to many. e.g Hive built in EXPLODE() function. Now lets take an array column USER_IDS as ARRAY10,12,5,45> then SELECT EXPLODE(USER_IDS) as ID FROM T_USER. will give 10,12,5,45 as four different rows in output. UDTF can be used to split a column into multiple column as well which we will look in below example. Here alias "AS" clause is mandatory .
UDAF: User defined aggregate functions works on more than one row and gives single row as output. e.g Hive built in MAX() or COUNT() functions. here the relation is many to one. Lets say you have a table with students name, id and total marks, so here if I have 10 rows in the table and if I have to find student who got maximum number then our query need to check each 10 row to find the maximum but ultimately we get only one output which is the maximum.
UDF: Simple API
The Simple API
Building a UDF with the simpler UDF API involves little more than writing a class with one function (evaluate).1. Need to extend UDF class.
2. Override evaluate()
3. In Hive ADD JAR(like Register in PIG)
5. Use it.
Here is an example:
Creating Views
As like in SQL,
Generate a query to retrieve the employee details who earn a salary of more than Rs 30000. We store the result in a view named emp_30000.
hive> CREATE VIEW emp_30000 AS SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary>30000;
hive> DROP VIEW emp_30000;
Creating an Index
An Index is nothing but a pointer on a particular column of a table. Creating an index means creating a pointer on a particular column of a table
hive> CREATE INDEX inedx_salary ON TABLE employee(salary) AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.compact.CompactIndexHandler';
2 Types of Indexes in Hive
- Compact Indexing - Compact indexing stores the pair of indexed column’s value and its blockid.
- Bitmap Indexing - Bitmap indexing stores the combination of indexed column value and list of rows as a bitmap.
Dropping an Index
The following query drops an index named index_salary:
hive> DROP INDEX index_salary ON employee;
Can we have different indexes for the same table?
Yes! We can have any number of indexes for a particular table and any type of indexes as well.
Note: With different types (compact,bitmap) of indexes on the same columns, for the same table, the index which is created first is taken as the index for that table on the specified columns.
Indexing would create another table containing all the details of the table which you are indexed. So when you try to execute any query on an indexed table it will first query on the index_table based on the data in the index it will directly query on the original table. It is just like the index of any text book.
Note: With different types (compact,bitmap) of indexes on the same columns, for the same table, the index which is created first is taken as the index for that table on the specified columns.
Indexing would create another table containing all the details of the table which you are indexed. So when you try to execute any query on an indexed table it will first query on the index_table based on the data in the index it will directly query on the original table. It is just like the index of any text book.
How to identify deleted records in SQL Server?
Take a case where data is being ingested from RDBMS to Hive in an incremental fashion. After insertion, some of the records were deleted in RDBMS. Now how to identify the deleted records in Hive which are deleted at source.
1. Create a view or temp table in hive that gets snapshot of the records at source(RDBMS)
2. Use below query, here src is the snapshot of source and dest is the Hive table that has the entires of the deleted records.
select did from (select AS did, as sid from dest D LEFT JOIN src S ON = sq where sid is NULL;Updating Records in Hive.
CREATE TABLE base_table (id int,field1 STRING,modified_date timestamp);insert into base_table values(1,"abcd", "2014-02-01 09:22:55");
insert into base_table values(2,"abcde", "2014-02-01 09:22:55");
insert into base_table values(3,"zxvh", "2014-02-01 09:22:55");
CREATE TABLE incremental_table (id int,field1 STRING,modified_date timestamp);
insert into base_table values(1,"abcdddddddd", "2017-02-01 09:22:55");
insert into base_table values(2,"abcdedddddd", "2017-02-01 09:22:55");
select t1.* from (select * from base_table UNION select * from incremental_table) t1;
1 abcd 2014-02-01 09:22:55
1 abcdddddddd 2017-02-01 09:22:55
2 abcde 2014-02-01 09:22:55
2 abcdedddddd 2017-02-01 09:22:55
3 zxvh 2014-02-01 09:22:55
select az.* from (
select * from base_table
select * from incremental_table) az
(select id,MAX(t1.modified_date) md_date from (select * from base_table UNION select * from incremental_table) t1 group by cz
on and az.modified_date=cz.md_date;
1 abcdddddddd 2017-02-01 09:22:55
3 zxvh 2014-02-01 09:22:55
2 abcdedddddd 2017-02-01 09:22:55
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