Apache NIFI is a data flow tool
In case of any warning take the cursor on top of the exclamation mark and this shows the error.
1. GetFile - Gets the file from the local file system and puts in the flow
Specify Input Directory
2. PutFile - Writes data to Local file system
Specify Directory
3. SplitText - Splits the data as per lines specified/data size specified
Specify Line Split Count/ Maximum Fragment Size
4. Extract Text - Extracts values from the text as per the RegEx
give any variable and specify RegEx. values would be variable.1,variable.2 etc
eg: fieldval - (.+),(.+),(.+),(.+)
then each values are fieldval.1,fieldval.2,fieldval.3,fieldval.4
5. PutHDFS - Writes data to HDFS
Specify Hadoop Configuration Resources paths of hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml
Directory output HDFS Directory location
Note: Make sure that full permissions are applied to HDFS O/P path
Eg: hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /user/hadoop/Leela/Nifi1_out
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